How To Make Bootable USB Drive For any OS

Plug-in UsB Drive into PC

1.    Find and right-click the Windows Command Prompt in your Start Menu and choose to run it as an Administrator.

2.    At the prompt, enter "diskpart" to launch Microsoft’s disk management utility. The command line should now read “DISKPART>”.

3.    Type "list disk" to show a list of all disk drives. If your USB key is plugged into your PC, it should be listed here, along with other physical drives. Note the USB key’s disk number – you can pick it out by looking at the disk capacity.

4.    Type **"select disk #", with the USB key’s disk number in place of #.

5.    Type "clean" for the utility to clean the disk, which DiskPart will confirm.

6.    Create a new bootable partition by entering "create partition primary".

7.    Choose this partition with select partition 1, and then mark it as active by typing "active".

8.    Format the key by inputting "format fs=fat32". This should take a few minutes, and DiskPart will display a progress percentage.

9.    Lastly, type "assign" to give this USB key a drive letter. Close the DiskPart program using "exit"

You can now copy your OS’s installation files from the original DVD or Extract ISO onto the USB Drive. We also recommend copying your hardware drivers onto the same key so the OS installation wizard can find them. 

Note: * All commands must be entered without punctuations.** # this sign mean Number (don't place this mark in command prompt)e.g: select disk 2(here 2 is your USB drive #)

Command line to copy OS files:
xcopy d:\*.* /s/e/f e:\    (here d: is where your OS files saved and e:\ is USB Drive letter)

cara lama kemungkinan work 99,9% dan di masukan ke dalam catatan..

hanya sekedar berbagi.. ^_^
